
  1. ice attenuation
  2. ice dating
  3. ice identification
  4. ice reflectance
  5. ID code matching
  6. identity
  7. IFOV USE instantaneous field of view
  8. IHS
  9. illumination
  10. illumination angle
  11. image
  12. image (data)
  13. image (radar)
  14. image aliasing
  15. image analysis
  16. image annotation
  17. image artifact (SAR)
  18. image classification
  19. image contrast
  20. image correction
  21. image correlation
  22. image correlator
  23. image degradation
  24. image density
  25. image digitising
  26. image digitizer
  27. image digitizing
  28. image displacement
  29. image distorsion
  30. image distortion
  31. image division
  32. image enhancement
  33. image geometry
  34. image intensifier
  35. image interpretation
  36. image mapping
  37. image matrix
  38. image noise
  39. image pattern
  40. image processing
  41. image quality
  42. image quality (SAR)
  43. image ratioing
  44. image rectification
  45. image registration
  46. image reproduction
  47. image resampling
  48. image resolution
  49. image restoration
  50. image scale
  51. image scanner
  52. image scanning
  53. image size values
  54. image subscene
  55. image subtraction
  56. image texture
  57. image transmission
  58. image understanding
  59. image viewer
  60. image-100
  61. imager
  62. imagery
  63. imaging
  64. imaging device USE imager
  65. imaging radar
  66. imaging sensor
  67. imaging spectrometer
  68. imaging spectrometry
  69. imaging system USE imager
  71. impulse response
  72. impulse response width
  73. in situ measurements/sensing
  74. in situ sensing
  75. in-flight calibration measurement
  76. in-phase
  77. incidence angle
  78. inclination
  79. inclination angle
  80. inclination angle values
  81. incoherent
  82. index
  83. index map
  84. index of refraction
  85. indirect interpretation
  86. inertial platform
  87. infared radiation
  88. INFO
  89. information
  90. information resource dictionary system
  91. infrared USE infared radiation
  92. infrared band
  93. infrared false color film USE color infrared film
  94. infrared film
  95. infrared imagery
  96. infrared photography
  97. infrared radiometer
  98. infrared radiometry
  99. infrared scanner
  100. infrared scanning
  101. infrared spectrometer
  102. infrared spectrometry
  103. infrared spectroscopy
  104. infrared thermography
  105. infrared thermometer
  106. infrared thermometry
  107. infrequency enhancement
  108. inheritance
  109. input signal
  110. InSAR USE SAR interferometry
  111. insolation
  112. instantaneous field of view
  113. instrument calibration
  114. integer
  115. integration
  116. integrity
  117. intensity
  118. intensity, hue and saturation colour space USE IHS
  119. interactive digitising
  120. interactive display
  121. interactive image processing USE computer-assisted processing
  122. interactive processing
  123. interactive system
  124. interface
  125. interferogramme
  126. interferometer
  127. interferometry
  128. interior area
  129. interoperability
  130. interplanetary space
  131. interpolation
  132. interpretation key
  133. intersect
  134. inverse synthetic aperture radar
  135. invisible line
  136. IRDS USE information resource dictionary system
  137. irradiance
  138. IRW USE impulse response width
  139. ISAR USE inverse synthetic aperture radar
  140. isarithm USE isoline
  141. island
  142. isocenter
  143. isodensitracer
  144. isodensity
  145. isoline
  146. isothermal mapping
  147. isothermogram
  148. isotropic
  149. isotropic scatter
  150. isotropy