
  1. S-band
  2. sampling
  3. sampling interval USE sampling rate
  4. sampling rate
  5. sampling strategy
  6. sampling time
  7. SAR USE synthetic aperture radar
  8. SAR focusing
  9. SAR interferometry
  10. SAR system
  11. SAR-A USE shuttle imaging radar-A
  12. SASM USE synthetic aperture strip map
  13. satellite
  14. satellite altimetry
  15. satellite positioning
  16. satellite revolution
  17. satellite sensing
  18. satellite status
  19. saturation
  20. SAVI USE soil-adjusted vegetation index
  21. sawtooth stretching
  22. SCA USE spatial correction analysis
  23. scale
  24. scalloping
  25. scan line
  26. scan rate
  27. scanner
  28. scanning
  29. scanning microdensitometer
  30. scanning radar
  31. scanning radiometer
  32. scanning synthetic aperture radar
  33. ScanSAR USE scanning synthetic aperture radar
  34. scattering
  35. scattering coefficient
  36. scattering matrix
  37. scattering matrix decomposition
  38. scatterometer
  39. scatterometry
  40. scene
  41. schema
  42. scintillation
  43. scintillometer
  44. SDML
  45. sea satellite
  46. sea surface temperature
  47. seamless database
  48. second normal form
  49. second order effect
  50. seed USE training area
  51. segmentation
  52. selective absorption
  53. semi-automated digitising
  54. semi-variogram
  55. sensitivity
  56. sensitivity time control
  57. sensitometer
  58. sensitometric wedge
  59. sensitometry
  60. sensor
  61. sensor calibration
  62. sensor degradation
  63. sensor mount
  64. sensor noise
  65. sensor swath
  66. sensorweb
  67. SERE USE spatial effective resolution element
  68. service life value
  69. SEVIRI
  70. shading
  71. shadow (radar) USE radar shadow
  72. shadow enhancement
  73. shadowing
  74. shared boundary
  75. ship detection
  76. short pulse radar
  77. short wave infrared
  78. short wave infrared band
  79. shuttle imaging radar-A
  80. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission USE SRTM
  81. side lap
  82. side-looking airborne radar
  83. side-looking radar
  84. sidelobes
  85. sidelooking radiometer
  86. sidelooking radiometry
  87. sigma
  88. sigma nought
  89. signal
  90. signal amplification
  91. signal noise
  92. signal processing
  93. signal to noise ratio
  94. signal variation
  95. signal-to-interference ratio
  96. signature extension
  97. simple kriging
  98. simple object
  99. simplification
  100. simulation
  101. Sinclair matrix
  102. single class accuracy
  103. singular value decomposition
  104. sinoptic view
  105. SIR USE signal-to-interference ratio
  106. SIR-C/X-SAR
  107. sixth-line banding
  108. size
  109. skew
  110. skylab imagery
  111. skylight
  112. skylight polarization
  113. skylight radiation
  114. slant range
  115. Slant transform
  116. SLAR USE side-looking airborne radar
  117. sliver polygons
  118. slope
  119. SLR USE side-looking radar
  120. small format
  121. small satellite
  122. small scale
  123. smart sensor
  124. smoothing
  125. snapping
  126. snapping distance
  127. snapshot
  128. snow enhancement
  129. snow reflectance
  130. SNR, S/N USE signal to noise ratio
  131. social conditions
  132. SODAR USE Sound Detection and Ranging
  133. software routine
  134. soil moisture
  135. soil net radiation
  136. soil vegetation atmosphere transfer
  137. soil-adjusted vegetation index
  138. solar and sky radiations
  139. solar aureole
  140. solarigraph
  141. solarimeter
  142. solid angle
  143. sort
  144. Sound Detection and Ranging
  145. sounder
  146. sounding
  147. space oblique Mercator Projection
  148. space pallet
  149. space photography
  150. space shuttle
  151. space station
  152. spacecraft
  153. spaghetti data
  154. spatial analysis
  155. spatial autocorrelation
  156. spatial correction analysis
  157. spatial coverage
  158. spatial data
  159. spatial data manipulation language
  160. spatial database
  161. spatial datum
  162. spatial effective resolution element
  163. spatial filter
  164. spatial frequency
  165. spatial information
  166. spatial information system
  167. spatial interaction model
  168. spatial modeling
  169. spatial query
  170. spatial reference
  171. spatial resolution
  172. spatial resolution values
  173. spatial unit
  174. spatio-temporal data
  175. spatio-temporal database
  176. speckle
  177. speckle filter
  178. spectral absorptance
  179. spectral absorption
  180. spectral absorption factor USE spectral absorptivity
  181. spectral absorptivity
  182. spectral analysis
  183. spectral band
  184. spectral channel USE channel
  185. spectral emissivity
  186. spectral filter
  187. spectral information
  188. spectral interval USE spectral band
  189. spectral irradiance
  190. spectral radiometer
  191. spectral reflectance
  192. spectral reflection factor USE spectral reflectance
  193. spectral region USE spectral band
  194. spectral resolution
  195. spectral resolving limit
  196. spectral resolving power
  197. spectral response
  198. spectral sensitivity
  199. spectral signature
  200. spectral transmission factor USE spectral transmittance