Functions of New Zealand Thesaurus

  1. Cabinet ministers
  2. Cable cars
  3. Cafes
  4. Campervans
  5. Campylobacteriosis
  6. Car pooling
  7. Car rallies
  8. Carcinogens
  9. Career counselling USE Providing career guidance
  10. Career counselling
  11. Career planning USE Providing career guidance
  12. Career planning
  13. Cargo
  14. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  15. Carrying out surveys
  16. Carrying out surveys USE Gathering data
  17. Cartels
  18. Cartography
  19. Casual employment
  20. Cataloguing
  21. Cataloguing USE Creating finding aids
  22. CBD
  23. Cellphone towers
  24. Cellphones
  25. Cellsites
  26. Censoring
  27. Centralised purchasing
  28. Cereals
  29. Certificates of deposit
  30. Certifying documents
  31. Certifying documents USE Authenticating documents
  32. Certifying practitioners
  33. Certifying practitioners USE Accrediting
  34. Certifying services
  35. Certifying services USE Accrediting
  36. Cervena
  37. Charges
  38. Charitable trusts
  39. Charting
  40. Charting USE Analysing information
  41. Charts
  42. Chattels
  43. Cheating
  44. Chickens
  45. Child access
  46. Child care
  47. Child maintenance
  48. Child neglect
  49. Child restraints
  50. Childbirth
  51. Childcare centres
  52. Chiropody
  53. Chlorination
  54. Chlorofluorocarbons
  55. Chocolate
  56. Christianity
  57. Churches
  58. Cigarettes
  59. Cinema
  60. Cinemas
  61. Cities
  62. Citizens band radio
  63. Citizens initiated referenda
  64. City councils
  65. Civil rights
  66. Civil service
  67. Civil union celebrants
  68. Classifying
  69. Classifying USE Censoring
  70. Clean air
  71. Cleanliness
  72. Clubs
  73. CNG
  74. Coaching
  75. Coaching USE Teaching
  76. Coats of arms
  77. Coinage
  78. Collecting data USE Gathering data
  79. Collecting data
  80. Collecting information
  81. Collecting revenue
  82. Collecting revenue USE Revenue gathering
  83. Collective tendering
  84. Collective tendering USE Centralised purchasing
  85. Colleges
  86. Colonies
  87. Commerce
  88. Commercial secrets
  89. Committing under Mental Health Act USE Supporting community care
  90. Committing under Mental Health Act
  91. Commonwealth of Nations
  92. Communicable diseases
  93. Communicating with constituents
  94. Communicating with ratepayers
  95. Communicating with ratepayers USE Communicating with constituents
  96. Community based sentences
  97. Community education
  98. Community housing
  99. Community magistrates
  100. Community policing
  101. Community policing USE Preventing crime
  102. Community service orders
  103. Company directors
  104. Company law
  105. Compensating for lost earnings
  106. Compensating for lost earnings USE Providing income support
  107. Complementary medicine
  108. Compliance costs
  109. Composite schools
  110. Composting
  111. Compressed natural gas
  112. Compulsory military service
  113. Compulsory purchase
  114. Compulsory purchase USE Establishing infrastructure systems
  115. Computer operating systems
  116. Computer software
  117. Condoms
  118. Conducting Court hearings
  119. Conducting Court hearings USE Conducting legal hearings
  120. Conducting legal hearings
  121. Conducting military operations
  122. Conferences
  123. Conifers
  124. Conscription
  125. Conserving heritage USE Protecting heritage
  126. Conserving heritage
  127. Conserving the environment
  128. Constituencies
  129. Constructing public works USE Building
  130. Constructing public works
  131. Consulates
  132. Consuls
  133. Consulting on policy
  134. Consumer price indexes
  135. Contagious diseases
  136. Containing non-human pests and diseases
  137. Contamination
  138. Continental shelf
  139. Contraceptives
  140. Contracting out
  141. Contracting out USE Financial management (Internal)
  142. Controlling immigration
  143. Controlling non-human pests and diseases
  144. Controlling non-human pests and diseases USE Containing non-human pests and diseases
  145. Controlling predators
  146. Controlling predators USE Enhancing ecosystems
  147. Controlling unwanted organisms
  148. Conventions
  149. Converting data
  150. Converting data USE Analysing information
  151. Corporate management (Internal)
  152. Corporations
  153. Correspondence schools
  154. Cosmetic surgery
  155. Cot death
  156. Council flats
  157. Councils
  158. Counselling
  159. Counselling USE Providing personal advice
  160. Countervailing
  161. Cows
  162. CPI
  163. Cranes (Equipment)
  164. Crashes
  165. Creating draft policy
  166. Creating finding aids
  167. Creating jobs
  168. Creating metadata USE Creating finding aids
  169. Creating metadata
  170. Creches
  171. Credentialling USE Accrediting
  172. Credentialling
  173. Cremating USE Disposing of human remains
  174. Cremating
  175. Criminal convictions
  176. Criminals
  177. Crown corporations
  178. Crown owned companies
  179. Crown research institutes
  180. Cruise ships
  181. Currencies
  182. Currency unions
  183. Current account deficit
  184. Curriculum materials
  185. Customers
  186. Cycle lanes
  187. Cyclones