Functions of New Zealand Thesaurus

  1. Damages
  2. Dangerous goods
  3. Deafness
  4. Death penalty
  5. Decommissioning infrastructure
  6. Deed polls
  7. Deeds of settlement
  8. Defence agreements
  9. Defending
  10. Delegating
  11. Delivering civil defence USE Providing emergency services
  12. Delivering civil defence
  13. Delivering courses USE Teaching
  14. Delivering courses
  15. Deporting
  16. Depressions (Economic)
  17. Detaining
  18. Detecting USE Investigating incidents
  19. Detecting
  20. Determining electoral boundaries
  21. Determining legal sanctions and remedies
  22. Determining qualifications framework
  23. Determining the electoral system
  24. Devaluation
  25. Developing case law
  26. Developing course material
  27. Developing course material USE Developing educational resources
  28. Developing courses
  29. Developing curriculum
  30. Developing delegated legislation
  31. Developing educational resources
  32. Developing government sector procedures
  33. Developing international military relations
  34. Developing learning material
  35. Developing learning material USE Developing educational resources
  36. Developing learning resources
  37. Developing learning resources USE Developing educational resources
  38. Developing legal opinions
  39. Developing mandated standards USE Drafting delegated legislation
  40. Developing mandated standards
  41. Developing service delivery procedures
  42. Developing teaching materials USE Developing educational resources
  43. Developing teaching materials
  44. Dietary supplements
  45. Diets
  46. Diplomatic immunity
  47. Diplomatic relations
  48. Diplomats
  49. Disabled
  50. Disabling infrastructure USE Decommissioning infrastructure
  51. Disabling infrastructure
  52. Disaster recovery planning USE Mitigating hazards
  53. Disaster recovery planning
  54. Disciplinary suspension USE Enforcing legally required actions
  55. Disciplinary suspension
  56. Disestablishing infrastructure USE Decommissioning infrastructure
  57. Disestablishing infrastructure
  58. Disinterment
  59. Disinterring animal remains USE Disposing of animal remains
  60. Disinterring animal remains
  61. Disinterring human remains USE Disposing of human remains
  62. Disinterring human remains
  63. Displays
  64. Disposing of animal remains
  65. Disposing of assets USE Managing public assets
  66. Disposing of assets
  67. Disposing of human remains
  68. Disposing of waste
  69. Dissolution of marriage
  70. Distraining USE Detaining
  71. Distraining
  72. Distributing information USE Providing access to information
  73. Distributing information
  74. District councils
  75. Docks
  76. Doctors
  77. Doctors certificates
  78. Documents
  79. Dole
  80. Domestic animals
  81. Donations
  82. Door to door selling
  83. DPB
  84. Drafting delegated legislation
  85. Drafting instructions for legislation
  86. Drafting instructions for legislation USE Drafting parliamentary legislation
  87. Drafting Orders in Council
  88. Drafting Orders in Council USE Drafting delegated legislation
  89. Drafting parliamentary legislation
  90. Drafting statutory instruments
  91. Drafting statutory instruments USE Drafting delegated legislation
  92. Drains
  93. Drug addiction
  94. Drunkenness
  95. Dumping (Trade)
  96. Duty free allowances
  97. Dwellings
  98. Dyslexia