Functions of New Zealand Thesaurus

  1. Identifying locations
  2. Identity cards
  3. Illness
  4. Immunising animals
  5. Immunising people
  6. Implementing monetary policy
  7. Implementing Treaty of Waitangi
  8. Impounding
  9. Impounding USE Detaining
  10. Imprisoning
  11. Imprisoning USE Enforcing custodial punishment
  12. Improving habitat
  13. Improving habitat USE Enhancing ecosystems
  14. In vitro fertilisation
  15. Income support
  16. Incorporated societies
  17. Independent schools
  18. Indexing USE Creating finding aids
  19. Indexing
  20. Industrial relations
  21. Industry training
  22. Infants
  23. Infertility
  24. Information literacy
  25. Information management (Internal)
  26. Informing
  27. Inheritance
  28. Innoculating animals
  29. Innoculating animals USE Immunising animals
  30. Innoculating people
  31. Innoculating people USE Immunising people
  32. Insignia
  33. Insolvency
  34. Insomnia
  35. Inspecting
  36. Institutional care
  37. Instructing USE Teaching
  38. Instructing
  39. Instructors
  40. Insuring USE Risk management (Internal)
  41. Insuring
  42. Integrated schools
  43. Integration agreements
  44. Intellectually handicapped
  45. Intelligence gathering
  46. Interest group advocacy
  47. Internal agreements
  48. International aid
  49. International companies
  50. International private law
  51. International representation
  52. International students
  53. Interpreting data USE Analysing information
  54. Interpreting data
  55. Interpreting the law
  56. Interring animal remains USE Disposing of animal remains
  57. Interring animal remains
  58. Interring human remains USE Disposing of human remains
  59. Interring human remains
  60. Invalid carriages
  61. Invalids benefits
  62. Investigating accidents USE Investigating incidents
  63. Investigating accidents
  64. Investigating breaches USE Investigating incidents
  65. Investigating breaches
  66. Investigating incidents
  67. Investing USE Managing public assets
  68. Investing
  69. Ionosphere
  70. Islam
  71. Issuing animal movement orders USE Containing non-human pests and diseases
  72. Issuing animal movement orders
  73. Issuing currency
  74. Issuing emergency travel documents USE Supplying travel documents
  75. Issuing emergency travel documents
  76. Issuing entry visas
  77. Issuing entry visas USE Controlling immigration
  78. Issuing passports
  79. Issuing passports USE Supplying travel documents
  80. Issuing permits
  81. Issuing permits USE Granting consents