ILO Thesaurus

  1. Habitat USE UNCHS
  2. hairdresser
  3. Haiti
  4. Haitian
  5. hammersmith USE blacksmith
  6. hand operated
  7. hand tool
  8. handbook USE manual
  9. handicap
  10. handicapped children USE disabled children
  11. handicapped person USE disabled person
  12. handicapped war veteran USE disabled war veteran
  13. handicapped worker USE disabled worker
  14. handicapped workers cooperative USE disabled workers cooperative
  15. handicapped workers induction USE disabled workers induction
  16. handicapped youth USE disabled youth
  17. handicrafts
  18. handling
  19. handloom
  20. harassment USE bullying at work
  21. hardware USE computer
  22. hardware industry USE computer industry
  23. harmonization
  24. harvesting
  25. Hawaii
  26. hazard
  27. hazardous work
  28. health
  29. health aid
  30. health care USE medical care
  31. health care benefit USE health insurance
  32. health care system USE medical care
  33. health center USE health centre
  34. health centre
  35. health education
  36. health expenditure
  37. health facilities USE health service
  38. health insurance
  39. Health Maintenance Organization USE HMO
  40. health manpower USE medical personnel
  41. health policy
  42. health service
  43. health status
  44. heat USE temperature
  45. heating
  46. heavy industry
  47. herbicide
  48. hidden economy
  49. hidden unemployment USE disguised unemployment
  50. hides and skins
  51. high court USE supreme court
  52. high performance work system
  53. high technology industry
  54. higher education
  55. highly qualified worker
  56. Hinduism
  57. history
  58. HIV testing
  59. HIV/AIDS
  60. HMO
  61. HN: As from 2002
  62. HN: Before 2002
  63. HN: For events until November 1918. From 1918 to 1991
  64. HN: From 1918 to 1991
  65. hoist operator USE crane driver
  66. holidays
  67. home based enterprise USE cottage industry
  68. home based industry USE cottage industry
  69. home based work USE work at home
  70. home care
  71. home economics
  72. home trade USE commerce
  73. homebound worker
  74. homeless person
  75. homemaker
  76. homework USE work at home
  77. homosexuality USE sexual orientation
  78. Honduras
  79. honesty test USE lie detector
  80. Hong Kong, China
  81. horizontal integration
  82. horticulture
  83. horticulturist USE gardener
  84. hosiery USE clothing
  85. hospital
  86. hospital care
  87. hotel
  88. hotel chain
  89. hotel industry
  90. hotel management
  91. hotel school
  92. hotel sector USE hotel industry
  93. hotel worker
  94. hourly
  95. hours of work
  96. household
  97. household expenditure
  98. household income
  99. household production
  100. household worker USE domestic worker
  101. housekeeper USE domestic worker
  102. housekeeping
  103. housewife USE homemaker
  104. housing
  105. housing census
  106. housing cooperative
  107. housing needs
  108. housing policy
  109. housing subsidy
  110. human capital
  111. human computer interface USE human machine interaction
  112. human development
  113. human engineering USE ergonomics
  114. human environment
  115. human factors
  116. human geography
  117. human immunodeficiency virus USE HIV/AIDS
  118. human machine interaction
  119. human performance USE labour productivity
  120. human relations
  121. human resources
  122. human resources accounting
  123. human resources development
  124. human resources management
  125. human resources planning
  126. human rights
  127. human security
  128. human settlement
  129. human trafficking USE trafficking in persons
  130. humanization of work USE quality of working life
  131. humidity
  132. Hungarian
  133. Hungary
  134. hunger
  135. hunting
  136. husband USE spouse
  137. hydraulic engineering
  138. hydraulics
  139. hydroelectric power
  140. hydrogen
  141. hydrological network
  142. hydrology
  143. hygiene