Local Government Category List

  1. C of E USE Church of England
  2. CAB USE Citizens advice bureaux
  3. Cabinet
  4. Cabs USE Taxi and minicab licences
  5. Calibration service USE Calibration services
  6. Calibration services
  7. Call centre USE Consumer advice and protection
  8. Camp sites
  9. Campaigning groups
  10. Campaigns
  11. Camping and caravan sites USE Camp sites
  12. Campsites USE Leisure licences
  13. Can banks USE Rubbish, waste and recycling
  14. Canals
  15. Cancer
  16. Canoeing
  17. Capability USE Council performance
  18. Capacity USE Council performance
  19. Car alarms USE Noise
  20. Car boot USE Street trading licences
  21. Car boot sales USE Street trading licences
  22. Car hire and taxi USE Taxi and minicab licences
  23. Car hire and taxis USE Taxi and minicab licences
  24. Car parking badges
  25. Car parking for disabled people USE Disabled parking
  26. Car parking permits USE Car parking badges
  27. Car parks
  28. Car wrecks USE Abandoned vehicles
  29. Caravan parks USE Leisure licences
  30. Caravans USE Housing
  31. Caravans and camping sites USE Leisure licences
  32. Carbon monoxide poisoning USE Council housing repairs
  33. Cardiovascular
  34. Care USE Home care
  35. Care assessment
  36. Care charges
  37. Care eligibility criteria USE Care assessment
  38. Care homes USE Residential accommodation
  39. Care needs
  40. Care plans
  41. Career counselling USE Careers advice
  42. Careers advice
  43. Careers service USE Jobs and careers
  44. Careline
  45. Carer support
  46. Carers allowance USE Social benefits
  47. Carers groups
  48. Carpet beetles
  49. Cars USE Roads and highways
  50. Cars for private hire USE Taxi and minicab licences
  51. Cartography USE Maps
  52. Case collections USE Charity collections
  53. Cash flow USE Council tax and finance
  54. Castles
  55. Cataract
  56. Catastrophe USE Emergency planning
  57. Catering USE Restaurants and catering
  58. Cathedrals USE Historic buildings
  59. Cats eyes USE Road markings and signage
  60. Catteries USE Animal welfare
  61. Cattery USE Animal welfare
  62. Cattle USE Local businesses and markets
  63. Cattle markets USE Local businesses and markets
  64. Cattle sales USE Local businesses and markets
  65. Cause USE Campaigns
  66. Caving
  67. CCTV
  68. Cemetaries USE Cemeteries
  69. Cemeteries
  70. Cemetery USE Cemeteries
  71. Censure USE Functioning and process of meetings
  72. Central government
  73. Central government departments
  74. Cerebral palsy
  75. Certification USE Hygiene and safety certification
  76. Cesspits USE Cesspools and pits
  77. Cesspools and pits
  78. Chain of office USE Contacting council officials
  79. Chairman USE Civic offices
  80. Chairman of the Council USE Mayoral elections
  81. Chairmen USE Civic offices
  82. Chairpeople USE Civic offices
  83. Chairperson USE Civic offices
  84. Chairs USE Civic offices
  85. Chairwoman USE Civic offices
  86. Chairwomen USE Civic offices
  87. Chamber music
  88. Chamber of commerce USE Chambers of commerce
  89. Chamber of trade USE Chambers of trade
  90. Chambers of commerce
  91. Chambers of trade
  92. Change management
  93. Change of use USE Change of use (buildings)
  94. Change of use (buildings)
  95. Changes/repairs and maintenance USE Housing improvement and repairs
  96. Changing USE Planning
  97. Chaperone service
  98. Charges for services USE Care charges
  99. Charitable collections USE Charity collections
  100. Charitable health services USE Voluntary health services
  101. Charitable lotteries USE Gambling and lottery licences
  102. Charities
  103. Charities and citizens' interest groups
  104. Charity collections
  105. Charity fundraising
  106. Charity register
  107. Charity shops
  108. Charity/citizens' interest groups USE Charities and citizens' interest groups
  109. Chemicals
  110. Chemists USE Pharmaceutical services
  111. Chemotherapy
  112. Chief USE Contacting council officials
  113. Chief executive USE Civic offices
  114. Chief executives USE Civic offices
  115. Chief Executives department USE Civic offices
  116. Chief Executives office USE Civic offices
  117. Chief Executives unit USE Civic offices
  118. Child abuse USE Child protection
  119. Child care
  120. Child health
  121. Child Minding USE Child care
  122. Child neglect USE Child protection
  123. Child protection
  124. Child sex abuse USE Child protection
  125. Child support agency USE Parental contribution
  126. Childbirth
  127. Childcare USE Child care
  128. Childhood illness USE Paediatrics
  129. Childline USE Child protection
  130. Childminders USE Childminding
  131. Childminding
  132. Children and family care
  133. Children at risk
  134. Children in entertainment USE Extra-curricular activities
  135. Children in need
  136. Children with disabilities
  137. Children with learning difficulties USE Special schools
  138. Children with special needs USE People with special needs
  139. Children's activities
  140. Children's Day Care Services USE Nursery schools
  141. Children's doctor USE Paediatric services
  142. Children's homes
  143. Children's library service
  144. Chippy USE Mobile snack bars
  145. Chiropodists USE Chiropody and podiatry
  146. Chiropody and podiatry
  147. Chiropractics
  148. Chiropractor USE Chiropractics
  149. Choice based lettings USE Housing allocations
  150. Choirs
  151. Choosing USE Elections
  152. Choosing a home USE Housing allocations
  153. Chosen USE Appointments procedure
  154. Christian Science
  155. Christianity
  156. Church bells
  157. Church music
  158. Church of England
  159. Church youth groups
  160. Churches USE Christianity
  161. Cigarettes USE Smoking
  162. Cigars USE Smoking
  163. Cinemas
  164. Circle dancing
  165. Circumstances USE Circumstances (benefits)
  166. Circumstances (benefits)
  167. Circus USE Animal welfare
  168. Circus animals USE Animal welfare
  169. Circuses
  170. Citizen information USE Citizens advice bureaux
  171. Citizens USE Community and living
  172. Citizens advice bureau USE Citizens advice bureaux
  173. Citizens advice bureaux
  174. Citizens' charter
  175. City councillors USE Contacting council officials
  176. Civic ambassador USE Civic offices
  177. Civic amenity sites USE Recycling centres
  178. Civic centre manager USE Civic offices
  179. Civic dignitary USE Civic offices
  180. Civic Hall USE Village halls
  181. Civic offices
  182. Civic partnerships USE Strategic partnerships
  183. Civil Administration USE Regional governments
  184. Civil and human rights
  185. Civil naming ceremonies
  186. Civil protection
  187. Civil unrest USE Crime and disorder
  188. Civil weddings
  189. Civil/human rights USE Civil and human rights
  190. CJD USE Creutz-Jacob disease
  191. Claims USE Debt and money
  192. Classes USE Education and learning
  193. Classification USE Continuous performance assessment
  194. Clean air USE Air quality
  195. Cleaning USE Help with cleaning
  196. Cleansing USE Rubbish and waste
  197. Cleft lip and palate
  198. Climbing
  199. Clinical waste
  200. Closed circuit cameras USE CCTV