Local Government Category List

  1. IBS USE Irritable bowel syndrome
  2. Ice USE Icy roads
  3. Ice skating
  4. ICIS - Independent Combined Information Service USE Consumer advice and protection
  5. ICT USE Job training and development
  6. Icy roads
  7. Identity cards
  8. IEG USE Modernisation
  9. Ileostomy
  10. Illegal USE Crime and disorder
  11. Illegal tipping USE Flytipping
  12. Illness USE Illnesses
  13. Illnesses
  14. Illnesses and conditions
  15. Illuminated bollards USE Street lighting
  16. Illumination USE Street lighting
  17. Immigrants USE Immigration and nationality
  18. Immigration USE Immigration and nationality
  19. Immigration and nationality
  20. Immune system
  21. Immunisations
  22. Impairment USE Disabilities
  23. Impartial USE Equal opportunities
  24. Imperial USE Weights and measures
  25. Implementing e-government statement USE Council performance
  26. Implementing electronic government USE Modernisation
  27. Importing animals
  28. Imports and exports
  29. Improve USE Economic regeneration
  30. Incapacity
  31. Incest USE Child protection
  32. Inclusion USE Equal opportunities
  33. Inclusive education USE Schools and colleges
  34. Income support
  35. Incontinence
  36. Independent
  37. Independent (public and private) USE School standards
  38. Independent control (schools) USE School standards
  39. Independent Mediation Service USE Family mediation
  40. Independent schools
  41. Indian head massage
  42. Indian music
  43. Indicators USE Performance indicators
  44. Industrial estates USE Industrial properties
  45. Industrial properties
  46. Industrial property USE Industrial properties
  47. Infant schools USE Primary schools
  48. Infectious USE Infectious diseases
  49. Infectious Disease Control USE Infectious diseases
  50. Infectious diseases
  51. Infertility
  52. Info USE Consumer advice and protection
  53. Information about USE Information management
  54. Information and ticketing USE Sports information and ticketing
  55. Information centres USE Information management
  56. Information for school governors
  57. Information for Young People USE Young people's activities
  58. Information management
  59. Information Shop USE Walk in centres
  60. Information sources USE Information management
  61. Information technology USE Job training and development
  62. Initiatives USE Council publications
  63. Initiatives and projects
  64. Injections USE Immunisations
  65. Injuries
  66. Inner wheel USE Voluntary organisations
  67. Insects
  68. Insomnia
  69. Inspection Unit USE Inspections (trading standards)
  70. Inspections USE Inspections (trading standards)
  71. Inspections (trading standards)
  72. Inspectors of building works USE Building regulations
  73. Insulation USE Housing improvement and repairs
  74. Internal Audit Service USE Council tax and finance
  75. International affairs
  76. International groups
  77. International trade USE Economic development
  78. Internet USE Web
  79. Interpretation
  80. Interpreters
  81. Interpreters service USE Interpreters' services
  82. Interpreters' services
  83. Interviews USE Contacts, consultation & feedback
  84. Introductory tenancies
  85. Intruder alarms USE Council housing repairs
  86. Invalid care support USE Social benefits
  87. Invalids USE Housebound people
  88. Involvement USE Council procedures
  89. Iridology
  90. Irish dancing
  91. Irritable bowel syndrome
  92. Islam
  93. Island councillors USE Contacting council officials
  94. IT USE Information management