- Home
- S: 44 terms
- Sales and excise taxes
- Sanctions
- School administration
- School athletics
- Science and engineering education
- Science, Technology, Communications
- Seafood
- Seashores and lakeshores
- Securities
- Self-employed
- Senate
- Separation, divorce, custody, support
- Service animals
- Service industries
- Sex and reproductive health
- Sex offenses
- Sex, gender, sexual orientation discrimination
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Small business
- Small towns
- Smuggling and trafficking
- Social Sciences and History
- Social security and elderly assistance
- Social Welfare
- Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations
- Soil pollution
- Solid waste and recycling
- Sound recording
- Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status
- Space flight and exploration
- Spacecraft and satellites
- Special education
- Specialized courts
- Sports and Recreation
- Sports and recreation facilities
- State and local courts
- State and local finance
- State and local government operations
- State and local taxation
- Strategic materials and reserves
- Student aid and college costs
- Subversive activities
- Supreme Court
- Surgery and anesthesia