UK Archival Thesaurus (UKAT)

  1. Ras Tafari movement
  2. Rastafarianism
  3. Rat control
  4. Rate books
  5. Rates (documents)
  6. Rates (local tax) USE Community charge
  7. Rates (taxation) USE Community charge
  8. Rating assessments
  9. Ratio estimation
  10. Rationalism
  11. Rationalization
  12. Rationing
  13. Rats
  14. Raves
  15. Raw materials
  16. Raynaud's disease
  17. RDAs (Regional Development Agencies) USE Regional Development Agencies
  18. Re-enactments
  19. Readers
  20. Reading
  21. Reading ability
  22. Reading guidance
  23. Reading habit
  24. Reading instruction
  25. Reading lists USE Reading materials
  26. Reading materials
  27. Reading programmes
  28. Reading promotion
  29. Reading readiness
  30. Reading research
  31. Reading rooms
  32. Reading tests
  33. Readings
  34. Real estate (non-residential) USE Non-residential property
  35. Real estate (residential) USE Housing
  36. Real estate agents USE Estate agents
  37. Real estate developers
  38. Real estate development
  39. Real estate investment
  40. Real estate management
  41. Real property
  42. Real property tax USE Property tax
  43. Real tennis
  44. Realism
  45. Reality television
  46. Realtime systems USE Online systems
  47. Reasoning
  48. Rebecca Riots (1837-1842) USE Rebecca Riots (1839-1844)
  49. Rebecca Riots (1839-1844)
  50. Rebecca Riots, 1839-1844 USE Rebecca Riots (1839-1844)
  51. Rebellions
  52. Receipt
  53. Receipt of the Exchequer Act 1696 c28
  54. Receipt of the Exchequer Act 1783 c82
  55. Receipt of the Exchequer Act 1834 c15
  56. Receipts (acknowledgments)
  57. Receipts for tithe compositions and rents
  58. Receiver Generals
  59. Reception history
  60. Recidivists
  61. Recipes
  62. Reclamation USE Land reclamation
  63. Reclamation of land USE Land reclamation
  64. Recognition rights USE Rights of states
  65. Recognizance USE Recognizances
  66. Recognizances
  67. Recognizances for Debt Act 1531 c6
  68. Recognizances for Debt Act 1532 c6
  69. Recollection (psychology)
  70. Recombinant DNA
  71. Recombinant technology
  72. Recommendations
  73. Reconstruction
  74. Reconstruction (1914-1939)
  75. Reconstruction (1939-1951)
  76. Reconstruction (buildings)
  77. Reconstruction works
  78. Recontinuation of Liberties and Franchises Act 1535 c24
  79. Record archives USE Sound archives
  80. Record industry
  81. Record labels (companies)
  82. Record labels (packaging)
  83. Record libraries USE Sound libraries
  84. Record of service
  85. Record offices
  86. Recorded information USE Documents
  87. Recorder consorts
  88. Recorders
  89. Recording equipment
  90. Recording rights
  91. Recordings
  92. Records (documents)
  93. Records (sound recordings) USE Disc recordings
  94. Records and correspondence
  95. Records appraisal
  96. Records disposal USE Records management
  97. Records disposition USE Records management
  98. Records management
  99. Recreation USE Leisure
  100. Recreation centers USE Recreation centres
  101. Recreation centres
  102. Recreation facilities USE Recreational facilities
  103. Recreational bathing USE Swimming
  104. Recreational buildings
  105. Recreational centres USE Recreational facilities
  106. Recreational dance
  107. Recreational drug use USE Drug abuse
  108. Recreational facilities
  109. Recreational open spaces USE Open spaces
  110. Recreational water
  111. Recruitment
  112. Recruitment (jobseeking) USE Recruitment
  113. Recruitment difficulties
  114. Recruitment of staff for work overseas
  115. Rectal diseases
  116. Rectories
  117. Rectors USE Educational administrators
  118. Rectory manors
  119. Recurrent education
  120. Recusant
  121. Recycling
  122. Recycling (waste) USE Recycling
  123. Recycling facilities
  124. Red blood cells USE Erythrocytes
  125. Red books
  126. Red kite
  127. Red Sea
  128. Redoubts
  129. Redundancy USE Redundancy terms
  130. Redundancy Payments Act 1965 c62
  131. Redundancy terms
  132. Redundant buildings USE Disused buildings
  133. Reeding
  134. Reels (music)
  135. Reeves
  136. Reference materials
  137. Reference services
  138. Reference works USE Reference materials
  139. Referenda
  140. Referendum USE Referenda
  141. Referral services USE Information services
  142. Reforestation USE Forest management
  143. Reform movements
  144. Reform of Parliament
  145. Reformation
  146. Reformation of Errors in Fines and Recoveries Act 1580 c3
  147. Reformatories USE Reformatory schools
  148. Reformatory schools
  149. Reformatory Schools Act 1866 c117
  150. Reformatory ships
  151. Reformed Church
  152. Refractive errors
  153. Refresher courses
  154. Refrigeration (medical)
  155. Refrigeration engineering
  156. Refugee children USE Children (age group)
  157. Refugee education
  158. Refugees
  159. Refuse and refuse disposal USE Waste disposal
  160. Refuse collection
  161. Refuse disposal USE Waste disposal
  162. Regattas
  163. Regency
  164. Regency and after (1810-1837) USE Georgian period
  165. Regency architecture USE Architecture
  166. Regeneration
  167. Regeneration (botany)
  168. Regeneration schemes
  169. Regents
  170. Regents Canal Act 1812 c195
  171. Regents Park, Regent Street Act 1824 c100
  172. Regents Park, Regent Street Act 1851 c95
  173. Reggae
  174. Regime of waters
  175. Regiments
  176. Regional assemblies
  177. Regional authority USE Local government
  178. Regional cooperation
  179. Regional development
  180. Regional Development Agencies
  181. Regional disparities
  182. Regional economy
  183. Regional educational bodies
  184. Regional geography
  185. Regional government USE Local government
  186. Regional importance
  187. Regional integration USE Economic integration
  188. Regional interest
  189. Regional libraries
  190. Regional museums
  191. Regional organizations
  192. Regional parks
  193. Regional planning
  194. Regional planning research
  195. Regional policy
  196. Regional transport development
  197. Regionalism
  198. Register of deeds
  199. Registered elements
  200. Registered objects