AnaEE Thesaurus

  1. W USE Tungsten
  2. W USE Watt
  3. W.m-1.K-1 USE watt per meter per kelvin
  4. W.m-2 USE watt per meter squared
  5. W.m-2 USE watt per meter squared
  6. W.m-2.K-1 USE watt per meter squared per kelvin
  7. USE watt per meter squared per steradian
  8. wall profile method
  9. waste recycling
  10. water
  11. water aspect
  12. water filled pore space
  13. water balance
  14. water budget USE water balance
  15. water chemistry
  16. water color
  17. water conductivity
  18. water content
  19. water current speed
  20. water cycle
  21. water desorption method
  22. water dry residue
  23. water electric conductivity
  24. water extractable carbon
  25. water flow
  26. water flow and balance
  27. water flow at the soil basis
  28. water flow in drain
  29. water flow in drains
  30. water flux USE water flow
  31. water interception USE rainfall interception
  32. water interception by canopy
  33. water interception by leaves
  34. water interception by stems
  35. water interception by the mulch
  36. water normalized electric conductivity at 25°C
  37. water nutrient level
  38. water oxygen concentration
  39. water oxygen content
  40. water percolation USE drainage
  41. water pH
  42. water potential
  43. Water raw conductivity
  44. Water raw oxygen concentration
  45. water raw pH
  46. water retention time
  47. water runoff
  48. water stock
  49. water stress
  50. water surface state
  51. water table depth USE ground water depth
  52. water temperature
  53. water total alkali
  54. water transmissivity
  55. water transparency measurement instrument
  56. water turbidity
  57. water use
  58. water vapour
  59. water vapour concentration
  60. water vapour pressure
  61. water velocity
  62. water volume
  63. water_amount
  64. water_flow_Richards_Pastis
  65. water_flow_Richards_Pastis_for_RECORD
  66. Watt
  67. watt per meter per kelvin
  68. watt per meter squared
  69. watt per meter squared
  70. watt per meter squared per kelvin
  71. watt per meter squared per steradian
  72. Wb USE weber
  73. weather
  74. weather generator
  75. weather station
  76. web interface development
  77. weber
  78. weed
  79. weed density
  80. weeding
  81. week
  82. weekly
  83. wetting
  84. wetting duration
  85. wheat
  86. whiteflies
  87. wind
  88. wind direction
  89. wind velocity
  90. wood
  91. woody detritus
  92. woody root length
  93. worm dynamic
  94. WRB2006_FR