ILO Thesaurus

  1. Dahomey USE Benin
  2. daily
  3. daily living skill
  4. dairy industry
  5. dairy product
  6. dairy products industry USE dairy industry
  7. dam
  8. damage
  9. damages USE indemnity
  10. Dane USE Danish
  11. danger USE hazard
  12. danger money USE wage incentive
  13. dangerous goods USE dangerous substances
  14. dangerous substances
  15. Danish
  16. data analysis
  17. data bank USE data base
  18. data base
  19. data collecting
  20. data communications network USE electronic network
  21. data entry
  22. data entry operator
  23. data processing
  24. data protection
  25. data storage device USE machine readable material
  26. data transmission
  27. day care USE child care facilities
  28. day release
  29. deaf USE aurally disabled
  30. deafness USE aurally disabled
  31. dealer
  32. dearness allowance USE cost of living allowance
  33. death allowance
  34. death benefit USE death allowance
  35. death grant USE death allowance
  36. debt
  37. debt bondage USE bonded labour
  38. debt consolidation
  39. debt relief
  40. debt repayment
  41. debt servitude USE bonded labour
  42. decent work
  43. decentralization
  44. decision making
  45. decolonization USE independence
  46. deep sea mining USE seabed mining
  47. deep seabed USE seabed
  48. defence
  49. defence industry
  50. defence policy
  51. deferred retirement
  52. deficit
  53. deficit financing
  54. defined benefit plan
  55. defined contribution plan
  56. definition
  57. deflation
  58. deforestation
  59. degree
  60. deindustrialization USE structural change
  61. delinquency
  62. delivery
  63. delta
  64. demand
  65. demand deficiency unemployment USE cyclical unemployment
  66. demarcation dispute
  67. democracy
  68. Democratic Kampuchea USE Cambodia
  69. Democratic Republic of the Congo USE Congo DR
  70. demographer
  71. demographic ageing USE ageing population
  72. demographic aspect
  73. demographic projection USE population projection
  74. demographic transition USE population dynamics
  75. demography
  76. demonstration farm
  77. demotion
  78. denationalization USE privatization
  79. Denmark
  80. density
  81. dental assistant USE medical assistant
  82. dental care
  83. dentist
  84. dentistry
  85. denunciation
  86. dependence
  87. dependent aged USE elder care
  88. dependents allowance USE family benefit
  89. deregulation
  90. deregulation of labor law USE labour flexibility
  91. deregulation of labour law USE labour flexibility
  92. desegregation
  93. desert USE arid zone
  94. desertification
  95. design
  96. designated employment
  97. deskilling USE skill obsolescence
  98. desktop publishing
  99. detachment USE secondment
  100. detention
  101. detergent
  102. devaluation
  103. developed countries
  104. developing area
  105. developing countries
  106. development administration
  107. development aid
  108. development bank
  109. development center USE development centre
  110. development centre
  111. development economics
  112. development education
  113. development personnel
  114. development planning
  115. development policy
  116. development potential
  117. development project
  118. development research
  119. development staff USE development personnel
  120. development theory
  121. DEVSIS
  122. diagnosis
  123. dictionary
  124. didactics USE teaching method
  125. Diego Garcia USE British Indian Ocean Territory
  126. diesel engine
  127. diet
  128. dietician
  129. difficult working conditions USE hazardous work
  130. diffusion of technology
  131. digester
  132. digital divide USE access to information technology
  133. diploma USE certificate
  134. diplomacy
  135. diplomat
  136. directory
  137. disability
  138. disability allowance USE disability benefit
  139. disability benefit
  140. disability pension USE disability benefit
  141. disabled care USE care of the disabled
  142. disabled children
  143. disabled person
  144. disabled war veteran
  145. disabled worker
  146. disabled workers cooperative
  147. disabled workers induction
  148. disabled youth
  149. disadvantaged person USE vulnerable groups
  150. disarmament
  151. disaster
  152. discharge USE dismissal
  153. disciplinary layoff USE labour contract suspension
  154. discipline
  155. disclosure of information
  156. discount
  157. discrimination
  158. disease
  159. disease control
  160. disguised unemployment
  161. diskette
  162. dismissal
  163. dismissal compensation USE severance pay
  164. displaced person
  165. displaced worker USE unemployed
  166. displacement of workers USE redundancy
  167. display
  168. dispute settlement
  169. distance education USE distance study
  170. distance learning USE distance study
  171. distance study
  172. distribution
  173. distribution cost
  174. distribution network
  175. diver
  176. dividend USE investment return
  177. division of labor USE division of labour
  178. division of labour
  179. divorce
  180. Djibouti
  181. docker
  182. document
  183. document analysis USE abstracting
  184. document delivery USE loans service
  185. document image processing USE electronic document management
  186. document reproduction USE reprography
  187. documentalist
  188. documentation
  189. documentation center USE information centre
  190. documentation centre USE information centre
  191. domestic market
  192. domestic science USE home economics
  193. domestic trade USE commerce
  194. domestic work
  195. domestic worker
  196. domiciliary care allowance USE care allowance
  197. Dominica
  198. Dominican Republic
  199. double jobholding USE dual jobholding
  200. double taxation