Glossary of Agricultural Terms

  1. macroalgae
  2. macrocyclic compounds
  3. macrodispersion
  4. macroeconomics
  5. macrophage activation
  6. macrophage colony-stimulating factor
  7. macrophage migration inhibitory factors
  8. macrophage-1 antigen
  9. macrophytes
  10. macular degeneration
  11. Madden-Julian Oscillation
  12. maedi-visna disease
  13. Maghreb
  14. magnesium compounds
  15. magnesium silicates
  16. magnetic fields
  17. magnetic materials
  18. Magnolia soulangeana
  19. Maillard reaction
  20. Maize white line mosaic virus
  21. major genes
  22. major histocompatibility complex
  23. Malassezia
  24. maleic anhydrides
  25. malignant catarrhal fever
  26. malnutrition
  27. malt
  28. mammary neoplasms (animal)
  29. maneuverability
  30. map overlay
  31. map projections
  32. marbling
  33. mare reproductive loss syndrome
  34. Marek disease
  35. marine ecosystems
  36. marine science
  37. maritime climate
  38. market access
  39. market economy
  40. market microstructure
  41. market prices
  42. market structure
  43. market value
  44. marketing cooperatives
  45. marketing orders and agreements
  46. marketing year
  47. markets
  48. Markov chain
  49. marshes
  50. masa
  51. mash
  52. mash feed
  53. mass media
  54. mass movement
  55. material flow analysis
  56. material identification
  57. materials handling
  58. materials life cycle
  59. maternal effect
  60. maternal immunity
  61. maternal lineage
  62. mating systems
  63. matrix metalloproteinase
  64. matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry
  65. maturity groups
  66. maximum contaminant level
  67. mead
  68. meadows
  69. meat and bone meal
  70. meat jerky
  71. mechanical pulp
  72. mechanics
  73. mechanotransduction
  74. mediastinoscopy
  75. medical foods
  76. medication adherence
  77. Mediterranean climate
  78. Mediterranean diet
  79. medium density fiberboards
  80. medroxyprogesterone
  81. megacolon
  82. megadose
  83. megaesophagus
  84. megaspores
  85. megasporocytes
  86. meiosis
  87. Melanesia
  88. melanin
  89. melanocytes
  90. melanogenesis
  91. melanoidins
  92. melezitose
  93. melibiose
  94. melioidosis
  95. meliponiculture
  96. melting
  97. membrane fluidity
  98. membrane fusion
  99. membrane permeability
  100. membrane potential
  101. membrane proteins
  102. meningitis
  103. menopause
  104. menstruation
  105. meristems
  106. mesic conditions
  107. mesocarp
  108. mesopause
  109. mesosphere
  110. mesothelioma
  111. message assessment
  112. message mapping
  113. meta-analysis
  114. metabolic diseases
  115. metabolic engineering
  116. metabolic studies
  117. metabolic syndrome
  118. metabolizable energy
  119. metabolome
  120. metabolomics
  121. metagenomics
  122. metalloids
  123. metamorphic rocks
  124. metastasis
  125. meteorology
  126. metestrus
  127. methacycline
  128. methanogens
  129. methanotrophs
  130. methicillin
  131. methylene blue
  132. methylmethacrylate
  133. methylmethacrylates
  134. micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
  135. micelles
  136. microarray technology
  137. microbial biomass
  138. microbial fuel cells
  139. microbial genetics
  140. microbial load
  141. microbial pesticides
  142. microbiological criteria
  143. microbiological risk assessment
  144. microbiome
  145. microbodies
  146. microclimate
  147. microcystins
  148. microdialysis
  149. microextraction
  150. microfilament proteins
  151. microfilaments
  152. microfossils
  153. microgreens
  154. micronaire
  155. Micronesia
  156. microrelief
  157. microRNA
  158. microsatellite repeats
  159. microsomes
  160. microspores
  161. microsporocytes
  162. Microsporum
  163. microstructure
  164. microtubules
  165. microvilli
  166. Mid-Atlantic region
  167. Middle East
  168. middlings
  169. midpoint indicator
  170. migrant workers
  171. migratory behavior
  172. mikamycin
  173. milbemycins
  174. mildews
  175. milk banks
  176. milk chocolate
  177. milk ejection
  178. milk equivalent
  179. milk fat
  180. milk fever
  181. milk substitutes
  182. milkshakes
  183. mimicry (behavior)
  184. mine spoil
  185. mine tailings
  186. mineral oil
  187. mineral soils
  188. mineralization
  189. minimum inhibitory concentration
  190. minisatellite repeats
  191. minocycline
  192. miscible displacement
  193. miso
  194. missense mutation
  195. Mississippi Delta region
  196. mitochondrial genome
  197. mitochondrial membrane
  198. mitogenesis
  199. mitosis
  200. mixed cropping